I’m a research geologist driven to better understand the planet we call home. Whether exploring how mantle geodynamic processes influence topography in mountain belts, simulating rock-water interactions in the deep crust, mapping the signature of millions of years of extreme wind erosion, or uncovering the legacy of historical land-use changes on erosion rates in coastal plains, my goal is to understand Earth processes at a fundamental level in order to see familiar landscapes in a new way. I am currently interested in the interactions among tectonics, lithology, and erosion that control the evolution of mountain belts. I received my PhD from the University of Toronto in 2022, and I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgia Tech. Check out my Google Scholar profile.
In 2016, I co-founded Cool Font (coolfont.co), a software development company. We are the creators of Mixel (mixelcocktails.com), a cocktail recipe app that filters the recipes based on the ingredients you actually own. Mixel has about 17,000 currently active users, 416,000 total installs, and has been featured in the Apps We Love section of the App Store and in the May 2018 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine. It is available for iPhone and Android.

My poster summarizing some recent results will be titled “Eclogitization of the lower crust: A reactive thermodynamic-geodynamic approach” - coauthors Shi Joyce Sim and Cian Wilson.
I will be giving my talk, “Reactive thermodynamics of crustal foundering,” at the AGU 2023 fall meeting in San Francisco. The session is “Orogeny and its Processes” and is sure to be interesting.
Our lithospheric drip modelling paper is published in Geophysical Research Letters and is titled “Plateau formation controlled by lithospheric foundering under a weak crust.” We show how a lithospheric drip affects an actively growing mountain belt.
Our comprehensive synthesis of lithspheric dripping, “Diverse styles of lithospheric dripping: Synthesizing gravitational instability models, continental tectonics, and geologic observations,” is published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. This is the most up-to-date review of every location where lithospheric dripping has been proposed on Earth, and we find some evidence for different styles of dripping.
I joined Joyce Sim’s lab at Georgia Tech as a postdoctoral fellow. We will be investigating the thermodynamics and geodynamics of the deep crust in mountain belts.